Knowledge Now

Heartiest Congratulations to the First Batch of TMA Professionals Certification Pakistan, Facilitated by Knowledge Now| MAX and TMA Method

Karachi— Beginning 27th September, 2016, Knowledge Now| MAX presented the human resource professionals in Pakistan an exclusive opportunity to take an important step toward acquiring the competency-based Talent Motivation Assessment Certification, as they conducted one of its kind 2 days Certification Masterclass at MovenPick hotel, Karachi, under the facilitation of Mr. Lars Neilsen, who is an International, HR Executive and Talent Management Expert working out of Copenhagen with a wide range of Leaders, International Organizations and Institutions across the globe.

The TMA Professional Certification program was launched by KN| MAX for the first time in Pakistan, earlier in 2016 after years of research to develop the certification per the competencies and knowledge relevant to today’s global HR professional.

“This next evolution of certification helps HR professionals demonstrate that they have the knowledge and behaviors needed to excel in their careers today as business leaders,” said President of Knowledge Now| MAX.

This successful International TMA Professional Certification Program has prepared the participants from different top notch multi-nationals of Pakistan namely K-ElectricRiphah International UniversityBank AlfalahUBL - United Bank Ltd to implement and use TMA Method in their organization to support their Talent Management, Performance Management and Competence Management in a structured and effective way.

If you’d like more information about this topic, or schedule an interview, please call at Phone: +92 51 540 0362, +92-51-8438371-5, +92 302 8404003 or you can email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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